miercuri, 18 februarie 2015

Sa tot stai pe scaun,nu? Chair massage

Masaj pe scaun   


 -pentru  probleme cervicale, dar si dorsale, acest tip de masaj   este potrivit pentru cei aflati in criza de timp,durata  lui este de 30 minute  maxim

marți, 17 februarie 2015

De-ale masajului erotic -Om sunt şi nimic din ceea ce este omenesc nu-mi este străin. ( Terentius )

The Best Cock Massage - Handjob  sau Happy Ending.


Nu e vina sau meritul nimanui , daca  dupa un masaj bun apare  erectia:-fenomenul este normal, tine de fiziologia  sanatoasa, cand se relaxeaza corpul intra pe pilot automat, parasimpaticul preia comanda , apare vasodilatatia  si gata  erectia !De aici si pana la ideea de finalizare,  cand te maseaza o femeie ,nu-i decat un pas micut .Pentru vizitatorii din alte tari,

cu moralitate si legi diferite,(unii poate chiar maseuri profesionisti ) trebuie spus ca aici nu este inca considerat ilegal ,   pentru multi consumatori de masaj terapeutic, persista inca ideea ca trebuie sa includa si Happy ending,   inteles de cele mai multe ori ca o necesitate fiziologica care aduce un plus de relaxare ,e   floare la ureche pe langa ofertele  concurentiale  alternative de relaxare totala,  interactive  :
  •  masaj erotic nud +Happy Ending  oferit de unele saloane de masaj erotic sau maseuze independente, 
  •  masj + sex ,oferit de maseuze/escorte  ( lucratoare sexuale ) independente 
  • sau pur si simplu sex ,oferit de escorte independente .
Biologia da unele explicatii : dupa un handjob cu eliminare de fluide, cantitatea de prolactina  eliberata, care induce sentimentul satisfactiei sexuale ,este de 4 ori mai mica decat dupa sex,sunt eliberate  endorfine-oxitocina si serotonina  ( precursor al melatoninei care induce senzatia de somn) , insa oboseala si dorinta de somn  nu sunt prezente.Apreciat este si masajul erotic nud  yoghin sau tantric,  fara eliminare de fluide .

In America  , dupa aparitia filmului ,, The Client List:,, in 2012

 maseurii care au luptat mult ca profesia sa le fie considerata medicala-diplomele lor sunt eliberate de Ministerul Sanatatii-au declansat ample campanii de protest , cu petitii care au dus la oprirea difuzarii filmului si oprirea productiei seriei a 3a .Happyendingul, sexul oral si normal au  fost interzise in saloanele de masaj  terapeutic, SPA-uri si declarate acte ilegale de prostitutie pedepsite cu inchisoarea iar locatiile inchise  (la noi  sexul  nu e considerat infractiune ci contraventie ,se lasa cu amenda ).
AMTA-asociati amaseurilor terapeuti din America- declanseaza in 2013  o campanie de educare a consumatorilor -Real Massage Campain

, care sa elimine confuzia remanenta din mentalul colectiv , ca masajul terapeutic trebuie sa includa si Happy ending .
Tot pe alte meleaguri , gasim si initiative private in apararea demnitatii profesiei si a profesionistilor :

Videoclipul rezuma istoria  din  lumea cealalta prezentata initial , si o sedinta de masaj s-ar putea inchide asa in America , Tokio, Franta  si in multe alte tari :

sau   cam asa inca pe la noi


Daca spiritualizam varianta din clip ,si o modificam  , avem masajul tantric al lingamului  .  In Tantra  si Taoism se  vorbeste despre existenta multor  zone reflexogene pe suprafata lingamului (penis ) , in legatura cu   glande- epifiza, pituitara , tiroida, timus , pancreas, suprarenale , testicule si cu meridianele energetice ale inimii, plamanilor, ficatului si rinichilor  .Lingam massage nu are ca scop ejacularea, se crede ca un bun masaj al lingamului vindeca multe boli .Experienta tantrica  e comparata  cu un val , erectia slaba  si taria  alterneaza in mod placut.

Veti gasi aceste  conexiuni explicate   si de Maestrul Mantak Chia in videoclipul  -The Big Draw  2 , cautati la minutul 13-15,insa de aici incolo   e vorba de o alta cale  de urmat pentru energia sexuala si presupune mult exercitiu .

Posted 14 January 2015 - 01:38 PM

I have now had the pleasure of having made two visits  to  Doamna Marta.
It`s a massage service with a difference, and not a service for sex. 
In saying this I am sure, if you get the same service I have, you will leave feeling better than having had great sex! 
The location is Mosilor zone and is fitted out like a professional masseuse practice, with clean towels, shower gels, and disposable slippers, provided.  Everything about the service from start to finish gives a comfort feeling about the lady's attention to hygiene.
When I went on  both occasions   I opted for the full massage plus the best cock massage! - What drove me to it was watching this video, with the idea that if it was anything like this it would be worth a try!
Comfort relaxing music was on, and a good sized comfortable massage table in the middle of the room.  All attention is focused on you and starting with a massage. Marta ensures that every part of your body is meticulously covered.  Arms, Back, Legs, Feet, Hands, Buttocks, Neck, Head, and each limb and part gets equal massage attention leaving you feeling amazing and lightsome.
This lasts for about 1 hour and half  and as massages goes this is the real deal, professional, sensual and relaxing at the same time.
Then the favorite action starts, and attention is provided to your balls, cock and asshole in a way that will just drive you crazy.  Just like the video, it`s like a complete massage of your dick and erogenous zone, from the tip of your head, all down your shaft, all round your balls, and ass play for men that will create a huge build up for an explosive orgasm.
It lasts around 30 minutes, I would love if it lasted more, but the build up to explosion is superb. It really feels amazing and in some ways not seeing what she is doing and how she is doing it drives you even more crazy.
I won't make comments on GFE, Looks, etc the pictures are real from the previous posts here, the lady herself is polite, obviously a professional with years experience, makes you feel comfortable, does not waste time with idle chat, is not rushed, and can be humorous at the right times.
I would rate the massage a 10 – it`s excellent.
I would rate the "best cock massage" a 10 as it`s the best cock massage I ever had.
If you are looking for sex I don't think this is for you, if you are looking for a young girl with tight ass and perky tits I don`t think this is for, but if you are looking for something different ending in an explosive orgasm, this puts a new meaning to "Happy Ending Massage"
I apologize I am not writing in Romanian but I include the google translate before for your convenience .
Here is my summary
Present : 200 Lei
Duration : 1:30 Mins - 2 Hours
Location : 9 Clean and easy to find
Attitude : 10 She is a professional
Relaxing Massage : 10
Best Cock Massage: 10
GFE : Not a sex service
Would highly recommend, and will go back as soon as I can.
All the best.
The English cap
Posted 14 January 2015 - 01:38 PM

Cum sa va redirectionati energia  sexuala inapoi in corp , ca sa o folositi pentru vindecare sau  sa compensati  lipsa de energie  a altor centri energetici ,  cum sa cresteti intensitatea orgasmica  cu un partener, aflati de la Maestrul  Mantak Chia .

Sexual Power Lock Practice (Male)
(Pages 70–75)
1. Sit with your feet flat on the floor. Stimulate your jade staff and direct the sexual energy to your testicles and prostate.
2. When you are near or in the midst of an orgasm, inhale deeply through the nose. At the same time, clench your jaw and both fists, claw your feet, tighten the cranial pump at the back of your neck, and press your tongue firmly to the roof of your mouth.

The Sexual Power Lock for men includes pressing against the urethra with three fingers from a point at the back of the perineum, which puts pressure on the Million Dollar point.

3. Inhale again, drawing up the entire anus and genital region—especially the front part of the perineum. Hold breath then inhale again. Hold breath again while you contract and pull down the front part of the anus, pulling energy to collect at the perineum.

4. Inhale without exhaling, then clench and pull up your sexual region 9 times, holding energy at the front part of the perineum. Exhale and release all the muscles of the body.

5. Repeat steps 1–3 again, this time continuing to pull the energy up through the perineum and into the coccyx and sacrum. Contract the middle and back parts of the anus as you do this. Arch your sacrum back and outward to activate the sacral pump. Hold the energy here and inhale 3–9 times, creating contractions to pull the energy from the sexual organs. Then exhale and relax.

6. Repeat steps 1–3 again, now drawing the sexual energy up through the perineum and sacrum to T11. Hold the energy at T11, then add the energy from the Sperm Palace by inhaling and contracting 9 times without exhaling. Then exhale and relax, mentally guiding energy from the Sperm Palace to T11.

7. Repeat steps 1–3 again, drawing the energy all the way up to C7. At C7, push the top of the sternum back toward the spine to increase the pumping of energy and to activate the thymus.

8. Repeat the same steps again, this time drawing energy to the Jade Pillow. To activate the cranial pump there, tuck the chin in. Clench your teeth, squeeze the back of your skull, and press your tongue hard against your palate to increase the pumping action.

9. Repeat again, now drawing energy to the Crown point, Pai Hui. Turn your eyes and all senses to the top of the skull and press your tongue firmly to your palate. Practice 9 hard contractions and continue to inhale, each time pulling energy from the Sperm Palace to the crown. With your mind, eyes, and senses, spiral the energy at the crown 9–36 times clockwise, then counterclockwise.

10. Rest and allow the energy to enter your brain. Let extra energy run down the Functional Channel to the mid-eyebrow point, nose, throat, heart center, solar plexus, and navel.

luni, 16 februarie 2015

Masajul genital terapeutic Karsai Nei Tsang




Masajul genital  terapeutic Karsai Nei Tsang-prezentare

Conceput de Maestrul thailandez Mantak Chia

Karsai inseamna sedimente in vasele de sange / blocaje , si sunt in tot corpul,provocate de traume fizice si emotionale, toxine, stress, imbatranirea organismului.Blocajele din sistemul circulator  care afecteaza fluxul sangelui si al limfei,duc la o proasta functionare a organelor interne, in special rinichi, vezica urinara , prostata , testicule , uter si vagin,pancreas, splina,plamani. Mai intalnim  in corp si blocaje  energetice, blocaje in fascii, muschi, tendoane.

Karsai Nei Tsang   se concentraza pe eliminarea blocajelor  care iau forma unor sedimente cristalizate sau depuneri de grasimi in venele din zona genitala  si diminueaza fluxul de sange  scazand raspunsul  sexual la excitare,adica obtinerea si mentinerea unei  bune erectii la barbati , umflarea labiilor si clitorisului si producerea de fluide , la femei.
Un flux sanguin  bun asigura   eliberarea si buna circulatie a  hormonilor,care dau o anumita  protectie impotriva multor probleme legate de varsta, cum ar fi pierderi de memorie, dureri de spate, proasta circulatie,probleme asociate cu menopauza / andropauza si libidoul sexual.
Karsai Nei Tsang  este valoros pentru barbatii si femeile care au peste 40 de ani ,cand sedimentarile si blocajele incep sa se  manifeste ,dar  si pentru orice persoana care se simte blocata sexual.Cand organele genitale sufera de  blocaje , chi jing ( chi sexual ) nu mai circula liber prin corp, lipsindu-l de acesta puternica energie de vindecare.
Neglijate mult timp, organele sexuale au nevoie de aceiasi atentie si ingrijire ca si restul corpului.Karsai Nei Tsang  abordeaza  probleme comune asociate cu organele noastre sexuale :impotenta,urinari frecvente si dificile,menstruatie dureroasa, libidou scazut , sex dureros, dar ajuta si in dureri de spate moderate, repozitionarea uterului , intarirea musculaturii pelviene. 
Odata cu inaintarea in varsta,favorizata de ore lungi de stat pe scaun, caderea abdomenului si congestionarea  acestei zone, este ceva comun.Congestia indica acumulare de toxine si blocaje in sistemul circulator, iar sedimentele din vene si vasele limfatice  creeaza probleme pentru zona genitala, afectand potenta la barbati - mai afectata  este vena cava inferioara  (din care se desprind  venele spermatice interne si externe , venele  pudendale interna si externa,venele uretrale, venele deferente, venele testiculare,plexul pampiniform precum si grupul de artere  care vin spre testicule )

 .Exista noduri limfatice in aceasta zona, care trebuie sa ramana deschise ca limfa sa curga fluid.

Tehnicile de masaj si scopul lor:

  1. Eliberarea in circulatie a  sângelui  care  aprovizioneaza  testiculele  si penisul,
  2. Energizarea prostata prin perineu din decubit dorsal,
  3. Eliberarea sedimentelor  din sacul scrotal,Netezirea arterelor  în sacul scrotal superior,
  4. Stimularea circulatiei prin sacul scrotal
  5. Frecarea testiculelor cu palma,
  6. Eliberarea coapsei  interioare,
  7. Masarea feselor si a sacrumului,
  8. Eliberarea si echilibrarea  zonei perineului,
  9. Eliberarea nervul sciatic ,
  10. Presa antebratului  de la  anus - sacrum,
  11. Energizarea prostatei prin intermediul perineului 
  12. Eliberarea circulatiei in peretele pelvic
  13. Masarea  partilor laterale ale abdomenului  pe sub abdomen 
  14. Masarea  partilor laterale ale  ligamentului inghinal ..

luni, 9 februarie 2015

Emotiile,painea noastra cea de toate zilele -The Human Shock Collar

Emotiile,painea noastra cea de toate zilele

“As far as our culture of humiliation goes, we need a revolution. Public shaming as a blood sport has to stop.” - Monica Lewinsky at #TED2015
In 1998, says Monica Lewinsky, “I was Patient Zero of losing a personal reputation on a global scale almost instantaneously.” Today, the kind of online public shaming she went through has become a constant. In a brave talk, she takes a look at our “culture of humiliation,” in which online shame equals dollar signs — and demands a different way.

Power vs Force: the hidden determinants of human behaviour; David R. Hawkins, M.D, Ph.D.

Shame: (20) The level of shame is perilously proximate to death, which may be chosen out of Shame as conscious suicide or more subtly elected by failure to take steps to prolong life. In shame we hang our heads and slink away, wishing that we were invisible. It’s destructive to emotional and psychological health, and makes us prone to physical illness.

Guilt: (30) Guilt manifests itself in a variety of expressions, such as remorse, selfrecrimination, masochism, and the whole gamut of symptoms of victimhood. Unconscious Guilt results in psychosomatic disease, accident proneness and suicidal behavior. Guilt provokes rage and killing frequently is its expression.

Apathy: (50) This level is characterized by poverty, despair, and hopelessness. The world and the future look bleak. Apathy is a state of helplessness, its victims needy in every way, lack not only the resources, but the energy to avail themselves of what may be available. Unless external energy is supplied by a caregiver, death through passive suicide may result.

 Grief: (75) This is the level of sadness, loss and dependency. Those who live at this level live a life of constant regret and depression. This is the level of mourning, bereavement, and remorse about the past. In Grief one sees sadness everywhere, this level colors one’s entire level of existence.

Fear: (100) From the viewpoint of this level, the world looks hazardous, full of traps and threats. Once Fear is ones focus, the endless worrisome events of the world feed it. Fear becomes obsessive and may take any form. Fear limits growth of the personality and leads to inhibition. Because it takes energy to rise above Fear, the oppressed are unable to reach a higher level unaided.

Desire: (125) Desire moves us to expend great effort to achieve goals or obtain rewards. Desire is also the level of addiction, wherein it becomes a craving more important than life itself. Desire has to do with accumulation and greed. Want can start us on the road to achievement. Hence Desire can become a springboard to yet higher levels of awareness.

Anger: (150) As people move out of Apathy and Grief to overcome Fear as a way of life, they begin to want; Desire leads to frustration, which in turn leads to Anger. Anger expresses itself most often as resentment and revenge and is, therefore, volatile and dangerous. Since Anger stems from frustrated want, it’s based on the energy field below it. Frustration results from exaggerating the importance of desires. Anger leads easily to hatred, which has an erosion effect on all areas of a person’s life.

 Pride: (175) In contrast to the lower energy fields, people feel positive as they reach this level. However Pride feels good only in contrast to the lower levels. Pride is defensive and vulnerable because it’s dependent upon external conditions, without which is can suddenly revert to a lower level. Pride is fueled by the inflated ego which is always vulnerable to attack. Hence the downside of Pride is arrogance and denial. These characteristics block growth.

Courage: (200) At the 200 level, power first appears. Courage is the zone of exploration, accomplishment, fortitude, and determination. At the lower levels the world is seen as hopeless, sad, frightening, or frustrating, but at the level of Courage, life is seen to be exciting, challenging, and stimulating. At this level of empowerment, one is able to cope with and effectively handle the opportunities of life. Hence growth and education become attainable goals. Obstacles that defeat people whose consciousness is below 200 act as stimulants to those who have evolved into the first level of true power. People at this level put back into the world as much energy as they take; at the lower levels, populations as well as individuals drain energy from society without reciprocating. The collective level of consciousness of mankind remained at 190 for many centuries and, curiously, only jumped to its current level of 207 within the last decade. P O W E R F O R C E

Neutrality: (250) Energy gets very positive as we get to this level. Below 250, consciousness tends to see dichotomies and take on rigid positions. The Neutral condition allows for flexibility and nonjudgmental, realistic appraisal of problems. To be Neutral mean to be relatively unattached to outcomes; not getting one’s way is no longer experienced as defeating, frightening ort frustrating. This is the level of safety. People at this level are easy to get along with and safe to be around and associate with because they are not interested in conflict, competition or guilt. These people are comfortable and relatively undisturbed emotionally. This attitude is nonjudgmental and doesn’t lead to any need to control other people’s behavior.

Willingness: (310) This level of consciousness might be seen as a gateway to the higher levels. At the Neutral level, jobs are done adequately, but at the level of Willingness, work is done well and success in all endeavors is common. Growth is rapid here; these are people chosen for advancement. Below the 200 calibration, people tend to be closed-minded, but by level 310, a great opening occurs. At this level, people become genuinely friendly, and social and economic success seem to follow automatically. People here are helpful to others and contribute to the good of society. They’re also willing to face inner issues and don’t have major learning blocks. With their capacity to bounce back from adversity and learn from experience, they tend to become self-correcting. Having let go of Pride, they’re willing to look at their defects and learn from others.

Acceptance: (350) A this level a major transformation takes place, with the understanding that one is oneself the source and creator of the experience of one’s life. All people below 200 tend to be powerless and see themselves as victims, at the mercy of life. This stems from a belief that the source of one’s happiness or the cause of one’s problems is “out there”. At the Acceptance stage, nothing “out there” has the capacity to make one happy, and love isn’t something that’s given or taken away by another, but is created from within. Acceptance allows engagement in life on life’s own terms, without trying to make it conform to an agenda. The individual at this level isn’t interested in determining right or wrong, but instead is dedicated to resolving issues and finding out what to do about problems. Long-term goals take precedence over short-term ones; self discipline and mastery are prominent.

Reason: (400) Intelligence and rationality rise to the forefront when the emotionalism of the lower levels is transcended. This is the level of science, medicine, and of generally increased capacity for conceptualization and comprehension. Knowledge and education are here sought as capital. This is the level of Nobel Prize winners, great statesmen, and Supreme Court justices. Einstein, Freud, and many of the other great thinkers of history calibrate here. The shortcomings of this level involve the failure to clearly distinguish the difference between symbols and what they represent. Reason does not of itself provide a guide to truth. It produces massive amounts of information and documentation, but lacks the capability to resolve discrepancies in data and conclusions. Reason itself, paradoxically, is the major block to reaching higher levels of consciousness. Transcending this level is relatively uncommon in our society.

 Love: (500) Love as depicted in the mass media is not what this level is about. For when this love is frustrated, it often reveals an underlying anger and dependency that it had masked. That love can turn to hate in a common perception. Hence love never existed for hate only stems from pride not love. The 500 level is characterized by the development of a Love that is unconditional, unchanging, and permanent. It doesn’t fluctuate – its source isn’t dependent on external factors. Loving is a state of being. It’s a forgiving, nurturing, and supportive way of relating to the world. Love isn’t intellectual and doesn’t proceed from the mind; Love emanates from the heart. Love focuses on the goodness of life in all its expressions and augments that which is positive. This is the level of true happiness. Only 0.4% of the world’s population ever reaches this level of evolution of consciousness.

Joy: (540) As Love becomes more and more unconditional, it begins to be experienced as inner Joy. Joy arises from within each moment of existence, rather than from any other source; 540 is also the level of healing and of spiritually based self-help groups. From level 540 up is the domain of saints, and advanced spiritual students and healers. A capacity for enormous patience and the persistence of a positive attitude in the face of prolonged adversity is characteristic of this energy field; the hallmark of this state is compassion. People who have attained this level have a notable effect on others. They’re capable of a prolonged, open gaze, which induces a state of love and peace. At the high 500s, the world one sees is illuminated by the exquisite beauty and perfection of creation. Everything happens effortlessly and by synchronicity. A Presence is felt whose power facilitates phenomena outside conventional expectations of reality, termed miraculous by the ordinary observer. Near-death experiences, characteristically transformative in their effect, have frequently allowed people to experience the energy level between 540 and 600.

 Peace: (600) This energy field is associated with the experience designated by such terms as transcendence, self-realization, and God-consciousness. It’s extremely rare, attained by only 1 in 10 million people. When this state is reached, the distinction between subject and object disappears, and there’s no specific focal point of perception. Perception at the level of 600 and above is sometimes reported as occurring in slow motion, suspended in time and space – nothing is stationary, and all is alive and radiant. Although this world is the same as the one seen by others, it has become continuously flowing, evolving in an exquisitely coordinated evolutionary dance in which significance and source are overwhelming. This awesome revelation takes place nonrationally, so that there is an infinite silence in the mind, which has stopped conceptualizing. That which is witnessing and that which is witnessed take on the same identity; the observer dissolves into the landscape and becomes equally the observed. Great works of art, music, and architecture that calibrate between 600 and 700 can transport us temporarily to higher levels of consciousness and are universally recognized as inspirational and timeless.

 Enlightenment: (700 – 1,000) This is the level of the Great Ones of history who originated the spiritual patterns that countless people have followed throughout the ages. This is the level of powerful inspiration; these beings set in place attractor energy fields that influence all of mankind. At this level there is no longer the experience of an individual personal self separate from others; rather, there is an identification of Self with Consciousness and Divinity. This is the peak of the evolutionary consciousness in the human realm. At this level there is no longer any identification with the physical body as “me”, and therefore, its fate is of no concern. The body is seen as merely a tool of consciousness through the intervention of mind, its prime value that of communication. This is the level of nonduality, or complete Oneness. The highest level attained by anybody who has lived in recorded history – to wit, the Great Avatars for whom the title “Lord” is appropriate: Lord Krishna, Lord Buddha, and Lord Jesus Christ.

 Interesting Facts

The concept and theories behind these experiments were conducted over a 20 year period using a variety of Kinesiology tests and examinations.
 Kinesiology has an almost certain 100% accuracy reading every time. It will always reveal Yes, No, True, and False answers.
  Muscle Weakness on falsity, strength on truth.
  Organic/Pesticide Apple Experiment example.
 Artificial Sweetener Exp. (on tongue, held in hand, hidden in envelope, subjects unknowing of contents tested weak every time)
  Everything that was false resulted in a weak response.
 Through this test people can determine if someone is being honest, if they should be in a particular relationship, if they should be eating a particular food, if they should be going on a particular chosen holiday, etc.
  Powerful patterns are associated with health, weak patterns are associated with sickness. Every thought, emotion, word & action has one pattern or the other. Every moment of our day we are either moving towards health or sickness.
Collective Consciousness: These experiments reveal that there is a higher power that connects everything and everyone. It reveals that the truth cannot be hidden even if the rational mind isn’t consciously aware of the truth. Through these tests people have come to realize the truth about things that they weren’t consciously aware even existed.
 Everything calibrates at certain levels from weak to high including books, food, water, clothes, people, animals, buildings, cars, movies, sports, music etc.
 A lot of music today calibrates at levels below 200. Hence it leads to behavior associated with lower energy levels of consciousness.
Most movies will weaken people who watch them by bringing their energy levels down below the 200 level of consciousness.
 85% of the human race calibrates below the critical level of 200
The overall average level of human consciousness stands at 207.
 Human consciousness was dangling at below the 200 level (190) for many centuries before it suddenly rose up to its present level some time in the mid 1980s. Hence Nostradamus’s end of the world predictions may have been avoided (he made his predictions at a time when human consciousness was at below the 200 level). For the world to stay at levels below 200 over a prolonged period of time would cause a great imbalance that would undoubtedly lead to the destruction of all humanity.
 The power of the few individuals at the top counterbalances the weakness of the masses.
 1 individual at level 300 counterbalances 90,000 individuals below level 200
 1 individual at level 400 counterbalances 400,000 individuals below level 200
1 individual at level 500 counterbalances 750,000 individuals below level 200
 1 individual at level 600 counterbalances 10 million individuals below level 200
1 individual at level 700 counterbalances 70 million individuals below level 200
12 individuals at level 700 equal one Avatar (eg. Buddha, Jesus, Krishna) at level 1,000
 Any meaningful human satisfaction cannot even commence until the level of 250 where some degree of self confidence begins to emerge.
When one’s consciousness falls below 200 at any given moment you start to lose power and thus grow weaker and more prone to be manipulated by one’s surroundings.
 Parts of one’s life will calibrate at a higher level of consciousness while other parts will calibrate a lower levels. It’s the overall average that determines one’s consciousness.

joi, 5 februarie 2015

Gimnastica de lamaserie -The 5 Tibetan Rites - Do it Along

Gimnastica de lamaserie
Hindusii numesc centrii de energie ai corpului chakre.Cheakrele sunt in legatura cu glandele endocrine importante si stimuleaza productia de hormoni a acestora.Prima  chakra este in conexiune cu glandele suprarenale, a doua cu glandele sexuale ,a treia cu pancreasul, a patra cu vezica biliara, a cincea cu tiroida, a sasea cu hipofiza,a saptea cu glanda pineala, importanta in conexiunea energetica cu universul.La  omul sanatos, chakrele depasesc  dimensiunea corpului si se invart cu viteza mare absorbind Prana  sau energia eterica , care strabate  sistemul endocrin si ii asigura buna functionare.La pesoanele slabite sau bolnave , chakrele abia daca strabat suprafata corpului si  daca una sau mai multe se invart mai incet,fluxul energiei pranice este slab , glandele functioneaza prost, apare uzura precoce a organismului, boala  si imbatranirea .Reversibilitatea proceselor este posibila daca putem sa facem chakrele sa se roteasca din nou, cu vitaza mare,ca la un adult sanatos de 25  de ani, prin practica celor 5 exercitii tibetane.Se repeta fiecare   exercitiu de 3 ori   si se creste treptat numarul de repetari pana la 21 pentru fiecare in parte.Se executa zilnic, timpul necesar este de 10-20 minute .
